Code Completion

Tippy.vue supports code completion in VS Code using either Vetur or Volar, and in IntelliJ IDEA using their first-party Vue plugin. In both IDEs the autocomplete may not appear until you close and reopen the project.

VS Code


Tippy.vue includes Vetur's attributes.json and tags.jsonopen in new window files, so it should work out of the box. Vetur's system is much more rudimentary than JetBrains' web-types or GlobalComponents, so it doesn't have any type information and custom props won't be recognized.


Volar supports directly reading component definitions from TypeScript definitions, a la vuejs/core#3399open in new window, so it has full support for custom properties. Just add a .d.ts file to your project with this content:

import {TippyComponentType, TippySingletonComponentType, TippyDirective} from 'tippy.vue'

declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
  export interface GlobalComponents {
    Tippy: TippyComponentType
    TippySingleton: TippySingletonComponentType
  export interface ComponentCustomProperties {
    vTippy: typeof TippyDirective

export { }

If you have custom props you can add them as well. Just pass an array of them [typeof prop1, typeof prop2, ...] as the first type parameter of the TippyComponentType and TippySingletonType types. If you aren't using the full set of default props you'll have to update the second type parameter to reflect that.

import {customProp} from './wherever'
import {TippyComponentType, TippySingletonComponentType, TippyDirective} from 'tippy.vue'

declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
  export interface GlobalComponents {
    Tippy: TippyComponentType<[typeof customProp]>
    TippySingleton: TippySingletonComponentType<[typeof customProp]>
  export interface ComponentCustomProperties {
    vTippy: typeof TippyDirective

export { }

IntelliJ IDEA


Tippy.vue supports JetBrains' web-types.jsonopen in new window, and should work out of the box in IntelliJ IDEA version 2021.3.1 or later. The web-types file includes documentation for each property as well as detailed typechecking information (including autocomplete for the valid position prop values)

If the web-types still aren't working for you, it may be an issue with the IDE's indexing. See this web-types issueopen in new window for details.


The Vue plugin for IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1 EAP and later has support for GlobalComponents, which provides better custom property support. It works the same as in Volar but with a few caveats.

  • Directives using ComponentCustomProperties aren't supported, but the web-types.json should act as a fallback for that.
  • The web-types.json file will still be used by the IDE, so removing a built-in property from the type in GlobalComponents won't reflect in the code completion. You can still overwrite a property, however.
  • When adding props, IDEA doesn't appear to support typeof customProp, even if you explicitly specify the type of the customProp variable.
import {PropType} from "@vue/runtime-core";
import {TippyComponentType, TippySingletonComponentType, Plugin} from 'tippy.vue'

type CustomPropPlugin = Plugin<{ // can't use `typeof customProp`
  custom: {
    type: PropType<"off" | "slow" | "fast">,

declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
  export interface GlobalComponents {
    Tippy: TippyComponentType<[CustomPropPlugin]>
    TippySingleton: TippySingletonComponentType<[CustomPropPlugin]>

export { }