
The <tippy-singleton> element itself is largely inert. It's a display: none div with a data-tippy-singleton attribute. Its job is to hold onto and maintain a Tippy.js singletonopen in new window instance.

As <tippy> components are created and destroyed they will add and remove themselves from the singleton, however changes to the singleton's name property or the tippy's singleton property won't have any effect on the tooltips already attached to the singleton.


To use a <tippy-singleton>, just add the singleton attribute to any <tippy> components you want to bind to it. The singleton must be in some common parent of all the <tippy> components you want to bind.

<tippy-singleton delay="250" move-transition="transform 0.1s ease-out"/>
<button v-tippy>Item 1</button>
<tippy>Tip 1</tippy>
<button v-tippy>Item 2</button>
<tippy>Tip 2</tippy>
<button v-tippy>Item 3</button>
<tippy>Tip 3</tippy>

<tippy-singleton> components can be named using the name prop, allowing <tippy> elements to individually specify which singleton to bind to (using the value of their singleton prop). In this example the even and odd numbers each share their own 500ms timer.

<tippy-singleton name="even" delay="500"/>
<tippy-singleton name="odd" delay="500"/>
<template v-for="i in 9" :key="i">
  <button v-tippy>{{i}}</button>
  <tippy :singleton="i % 2 === 0 ? 'even' : 'odd'" >
    {{i % 2 === 0 ? 'Even' : 'Odd'}} {{i}}


name: string

Set the singleton name

overrides: string[]

Tippy.js options that should be overridden by the individual instances. See the Tippy.js docsopen in new window for details.

move-transition: string

A CSS transition to use when switching between tooltips in this singleton (e.g. transform 0.2s ease-out). See the Tippy.js docsopen in new window for details.

Common props

<tippy-singleton> shares all the common props from <tippy>



<tippy-singleton> fires the add event whenever a tippy instance is added.


<tippy-singleton> fires the add event whenever a tippy instance is removed.

Common events

<tippy-singleton> shares all the common events from <tippy>